For centuries, science has been a world of walls. Race, gender, sexuality, wealth, and more defined who could participate.  Still today, queer representation in STEMM* lags behind societal progress—especially where identities of women, and gender minorities intersect with Black, Indigenous, and other person-of-color identities.

These faces reflect a vibrant future. Each has hit old walls and made a new kind of door. On the other side?  A community that celebrates belonging and values identity as a driver of insight, discovery, and the questions we ask. New Science welcomes and benefits us all.   

*STEMM = Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine. 

Nueva Ciencia

Las identidades queer e interseccionales están revolucionando la forma en que se hace ciencia.

Durante siglos, la ciencia ha sido un mundo de paredes. Raza, género, sexualidad, riqueza y más definían quién podía participar. Todavía hoy, la representación queer en STEMM* tiene un rezago en el progreso social, especialmente donde las identidades de las mujeres y las minorías de género se cruzan con las identidades negras, indígenas y las identidades de otras personas de color.

Estos rostros reflejan un futuro vibrante. Cada uno ha chocado con viejos muros y ha construido un nuevo tipo de puerta. ¿Qué hay del otro lado? Una comunidad que celebra la pertenencia y valora la identidad como motor de conocimiento, descubrimiento y de las preguntas que hacemos. La nueva ciencia nos da la bienvenida y nos beneficia a todos.

*STEMM = Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería, Matemáticas y Medicina.


A dark haired woman sits at a desk with a computer keyboard. She is in a black wheelchair and is missing her forearms on both arms.

Dana Bolles


Spaceflight Engineer and Science Communicator

A black and hispanic woman with curly purple and blue hair stands facing the camera and smiles. The background behind her is a repeating pattern of triangles.

Jessica Esquivel


Particle Physicist

A black woman sits at a computer desk. He chin rests on her wrist and she faces the camera. She has long black hair and large gold earrings. There is a repeating black and yellow pattern behind her.

Nicole Jackson


Chief Technology Officer

A bald white man stands in profile. He is wearing sunglasses and has light stubble. He is wearing a black backpack over a navy blue sweatshirt with a cartoon penguin holding a paintbrush on it. The background is an angle of concrete stairs leading up.

Luca Caputo

He/Him, They/Them

Development Biology & Molecular Biology

A tan skinned woman with shoulder length dark hair wearing a dark blue tshirt stands in front of a hedge row of green leaves and red flowers. A ink blot style pattern in black is behind her and in front of the hedge.

Eulalia Coutinho


Neuroendrocrinology & Pharmacology

A person who's pronouns are She/Her and They/Them with short cropped brown wavy hair and glasses is wearing a black short sleeved button up shirt. The shirt has a pattern of white tacos, cactus, and avocados on it. They stand in front of the outside of a building where pink and red flowers are growing up the wall.

Meg Critcher

She/Her, They/Them

Chemical Glycobiologist

An asian man with glasses and short dark hair is smiling and wearing a blue lab coat. The lab coat has a white patch above the left breast pocket that says 'Scripps Research'. The man is standing in a lab setting. There are containers, jars, and vents in the background.

Nathan Dao


Organic Chemistry

A woman in a white lab coat with short dark and green curly hair smiles at the camera. She is wearing a button up shirt that is black with bananas on it. The white lab coat has embroidered blue text that says Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine UC San Diego. The background is a lab setting with large green canisters and shelves with boxes.

Emily Diaz


Cancer Stem Cell Biology

A person whose pronouns are They/Them stands in a dark blue blazer and grey shirt. They have short cropped brown hair and have their hands in their pockets. The background is white.

Chris Garza


Biophysics & Medicine

A person whose pronouns are They/Them stands holding an open shark skeleton jaw in front of themselves. Their face is framed in the jaw. They are at the beach with the ocean behind them. They are wearing a blue short sleeved button up shirt with a white shark pattern.

A-Bel Gong


Behavioral Ecology

A person whose pronouns are They/Them She/Her smiles in and outside blurred location. They are white and have long light brown hair and are wearing a navy blue top.

Jen Havens

They/Them, She/Her

Phylogenetics & Molecular Epidemiology

A Sihk man with a full dark beard and light eyes smiles at the camera. He is wearing a black long sleeved shirt with a string laced opening. His turban is black on the viewer left side and on the right, each fold is a separate color with red being towards the back then orange, yellow, green, blue, and finally purple closest to his forehead. He is in an outdoor park setting.

Jiwandeep Signh Kohli


Neuroscience & Neuropsychology

A hispanic woman with pinned up curly dark hair and pearl earrings smiles at the viewer. She is wearing a dark patterned blouse under a grey blazer with yellow embroidered flowers. She is sitting in a lab setting with bottles, tubes, and glassware behind her.

Fabiana Izidro Layng


Translational Science

An asian person, who identifies as she/her they/them, smiles while wearing glasses and a yellow sweater. They are in a building setting with windows and multiple floor levels behind them.

Asama Lekbua

She/Her, They/Them

Microbiology, Microbiome & Systems Biology

A white man with short blonde hair smiles in a formal headshot. He is wearing a black suit jacket, dark tie, and grey collared shirt. The background is a photographers neutral grey.

Matthew Martens


Microbiology & Cell Biology

A white person whose pronouns are They/Them. They have short cropped blonde hair, silver glasses, two silver necklaces, and is wearing a loose fitting buttonup top that has a orange, yellow, and white repeating pattern. They are standing against a tan concrete wall.

Hannah Pettit


Biomedical Sciences & Cancer Biology

A Pakistani/Indian person whose pronouns are They/Them. They have curly dark hair that is pinned back behind their head. They are wearing a single silver earring on the viewer left that is a fish bone outline. They are wearing a light blue top and are standing outside near concrete walls.

Sabah Ul-Hasan


Bioinformatics & Computational Biology

A hispanic woman wearing a light pink blazer with dark curly hair leans against a concrete building an smiles.

Amanda Whacker


Biophysics & Biology

A white blonde woman holds a sea cucumber in her cupped hands and leans towards the camera with a large open mouthed smile. She has sunglasses on her head, two small necklaces, and is wearing a blue and white dotted summer dress. She is in a research style room with aquarium tanks on the left side and a white refrigerator behind her.

Avery Wallace


Environmental & Ocean Science

Esta exposición incluye descripciones en español.

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