
Fleet Science Center
1875 El Prado, Balboa Park
San Diego, CA 92101

In beautiful Balboa Park, two blocks south of the San Diego Zoo on Park Boulevard.

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Mailing Address

Fleet Science Center
P.O. Box 12010
San Diego, CA 92112


Telephone Directory

Main Number: (619) 238-1233
TDD Line: (619) 685-5744

Department Extension
Development 753
Education 806
Human Resources 844
Membership 713
Media Relations 743
Special Events 728

Contact Us

The Reuben H. Fleet Science Center is a nonprofit organization. If you would like to donate to the Fleet, we welcome your support! Please contact the Development Department at (619) 238-1233 x 753.

If you are seeking a donation from the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center, please follow the procedures below.

  1. We provide one pair of passes (each pass is good for one theater show and a visit to our hands-on exhibit galleries; value $39.90 total) per nonprofit organization per year for donation requests (silent auction, door prizes, opportunity drawing, incentives, awards, etc.). We receive dozens of requests each month; thus we must limit our donation to one pair of passes per organization per year, upon request.
  2. A letter is required for all requests. It should be on the organization's letterhead with the following information: date of event, the organization's tax identification number, how the passes will be used (see above) and if there is a deadline for inclusion in printed materials for event. We must receive the letter a minimum of 30 days prior to the date you need the passes.
  3. A self-addressed stamped envelope is also required for all requests. This will ensure that the passes go to the correct person at the correct address.
  4. The request and self-addressed stamped envelope should be sent to:

    Reuben H. Fleet Science Center
    ATTN: Marketing Coordinator
    P.O. Box 33303
    San Diego, CA  92163-3303

Note: Passes are usually sent out in the middle of the month after requests are received. Requests sent by fax or e-mail will not be accepted.

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