In the Giant Dome Theater
Explore the ends of the Earth, dive deep into the ocean and float through outer space—all without leaving the comfort of your seat. Inside the iconic Eugene Heikoff and Marilyn Jacobs Heikoff Giant Dome Theater, IMAX® movies, documentary films, cutting-edge educational experiences and planetarium shows come to life, giving you a 360-degree tour of places you’ve only imagined.
With a 76-foot wraparound movie screen and state-of-the-art IMAX with laser technology, the Heikoff Giant Dome Theater is a scientific marvel. Every element in our theater is specially designed to create an immersive experience each time the lights go down.
Please note that one documentary film is included with a Fleet Experience admission ticket. Want to make it a double feature? While visiting the Fleet Science Center you may purchase entrance to additional documentaries at the ticket counter for $9.95 each.

The Blue Angels

Deep Sky Documentary

Blue Whales Documentary