The Fleet Science Center presents New Science
The Fleet Science Center will debut New Science, a new exhibit that tells first-person stories of intersectional queer identities working in STEMM (science, technology, engineering, math, and medicine) professions. The exhibit, which features 19 profiles of individuals who reflect a vital sea change in queer representation in STEMM, aims to recognize and amplify the significant contributions of groups historically underrepresented in the sciences and, in the process, diversify the faces and lived experiences of modern science.
The New Science exhibit was made possible through an IF/THEN® Gender Equity Grant, awarded by the Association of Science and Technology Centers (ASTC) with a goal to increase the visual representation of women and gender minorities in STEM across museum content. The Fleet Science Center joins 27 other recipients around the U.S. working to showcase greater gender diversity in exhibits, displays and materials as part of their broader efforts to advance diversity, accessibility, inclusion and equity.
For more information on the exhibition and for the full profiles featured at the Fleet Science Center, please visit www.fleetscience.org/exhibitions/new-science.
What: The Fleet Science Center to host New Science, a new exhibit highlighting local, queer intersectional identities in STEMM.
Who: The exhibit features 19 local STEMM professionals:
Organic Chemist Nathan Dao, Chemical Glycobiologist Meg Critcher, Cancer Stem Cell Biologist Emily Diaz, Developmental and Molecular Biologist Luca Caputo, Microbiologist and Systems Biologist Asama Lekbua, Bioinformatics and Computational Biologist Sabah Ul-Hasan, Microbiologist and Cell Biologist Matthew Martens, Behavioral Ecologist A-Bel Gong, Biophysicist and Biologist Amanda Wacker, Neuroscientists and Neuropsychologist Jiwandeep Singh Kohli, Environmental and Ocean Scientists Avery Wallace, Phylogenetics and Molecular Epidemiologist Jen Havens, Neuroendocrinologist and Pharmacologist Eulalia Coutinho, Biophysicist and Chris Garza, and Translational Scientists Fabiana Izidro Layng.
Spaceflight Engineer and Science Communicator Dana Bolles, Particle Physicist Jessica Esquivel and Chief Technology Officer Nicole Jackson are featured in the Fleet. They are also featured as part of the New Science exhibition in the California Academy of Science in San Francisco.
When: Opening Saturday, October 29, 2022.
Where: The Fleet Science Center, 1875 El Prado, Balboa Park, San Diego, CA 92101.
Why: Queer and intersectional identities are revolutionizing how science gets done. For centuries, science has been a world of walls. Race, gender, sexuality, wealth, and more defined who could participate. Still today, queer representation in STEMM lags behind societal progress—especially where identities of women and gender minorities intersect with Black, Indigenous, and other person-of-color identities. These faces reflect a vibrant future. New science welcomes and benefits us all.
About IF/THEN®
IF/THEN® is part of Lyda Hill Philanthropies®’ commitment to fund game-changing advancements in science and nature. IF/THEN® seeks to further advance women in STEM by empowering current innovators and inspiring the next generation of pioneers. Rooted in a firm belief that there is no better time to highlight positive and successful female professional role models, IF/THEN® is designed to activate a culture shift among young girls to open their eyes to STEM careers by: (1) funding and elevating women in STEM as role models, (2) convening cross-sector partners in entertainment, fashion, sports, business and academia to illuminate the importance of STEM everywhere, and (3) inspiring girls with better portrayals of women in STEM through media and learning experiences to pique their interest in STEM careers. To learn more, visit www.ifthenshecan.org or follow IF/THEN® on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.