Volcanoes have helped create our world. The continents, the air we breathe and even life itself have their origins in fire. These processes have created extraordinary ecosystems and wildlife habitats.

The story of volcanoes is the story of the planet’s creation and the story of us. Volcanoes: The Fires of Creation, lets you witness the 2018 Kilauea eruption in Hawaii; see the archaeological remains of Pompeii, devastated almost 2,000 years ago by Mount Vesuvius; visit Mount Fuji in Japan, made up of three volcanoes—Fuji on top and two others hidden beneath; and marvel at the black molten lava of Ol Doinyo Lengai in Tanzania.

Educator Resources 

To book a field trip to see this film at the Fleet Science Center, email Client Services or call (619) 238-1233 x 806. 

Assistive listening devices enhance narration and dialogue and lower sound effects. Ask at the ticket counter.
Escucha el audio en español mientras ves la función en inglés. Solicita los audífonos de cortesía en la taquilla.
When you purchase your ticket, tell the associate that you would like to use the complimentary closed-caption service.

"It is not exaggerating to say that this marvelous documentary provides some of the most breath-taking images you'll ever see."

"If you've ever wondered what it's like to be inside an active volcano, the giant-screen adventure 'Volcanoes: The Fires of Creation' is the film event for you."

Generously sponsored and presented locally by The Shiley Foundation.



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