Join an immersive IMAX adventure to experience the life-saving superpowers and extraordinary bravery of some of the world's most amazing dogs. No stranger to superheroes himself, Chris Evans narrates this inspiring true story about remarkable (or is that "reBARKable?") dogs who save lives.

HALO—An adorable rookie training to join one of the most elite disaster response teams in America. HENRY—An avalanche rescue expert in the Canadian Rockies. REEF—A Newfoundland lifeguard with the Italian coastguard. San Diego's own RICOCHET—A California surf legend helping people with special needs. Bloodhound brothers TIPPER & TONY—Leading the fight to save endangered species in Africa.

This incredible film took over two-and-a-half years to film and was shot in five countries—many scenes were shot right here in San Diego County, including in Balboa Park! More than 500 people worked on this film in the United States, Canada, Italy, Kenya and the Netherlands.

Field Trips, Private Screenings, Group Discounts

Superpower Dogs is available for public screenings, school field trip shows, group reservations and private screenings. For school or group reservations, please contact the Client Services Department at (619) 238-1233 ext. 806 or

Teachers! Learning tools for this film are available here.

If you would like to arrange a private screening of the film, please contact the Special Events Department at (619) 685-5729 or

Tickets for public screenings are on sale at the Fleet Science Center ticket counter and at

Discounted tickets are available to the military and their family members at local military ticket offices. Military can show ID at the Fleet Science Center ticket counter for 10% off ticket sales.

Assistive listening devices enhance narration and dialogue and lower sound effects. Ask at the ticket counter.
Escucha el audio en español mientras ves la función en inglés. Solicita los audífonos de cortesía en la taquilla.
When you purchase your ticket, tell the associate that you would like to use the complimentary closed-caption service.

"... And these aren't just your average dogs, oh no. These are hero dogs, who devote their lives to rescuing us stupid humans. Here you see dogs on mountains! Dogs in planes! Dogs on boats! If the Academy really wants to go forward with their Best Popular Movie Oscar, I urge them to consider awarding this Superpower Dogs trailer that award."

"In a world constantly thirsting for wholesome dog-centric content, the hook of director Daniel Ferguson’s 'Superpower Dogs' is an insanely catchy one."

"The movie's message isn't just about the animals' amazing capabilities; it argues that it's the bond between human and animal that creates the superpower. In other words, together with our four-legged friends, we can be both super and heroes."

"Only happy tears might be shed watching Superpower Dogs. The whole movie is a celebration of the canine species, and highlights six four-legged heroes making the world a better place."

"Kids will be 'Awww'-ing at the dogs’ shows of affection toward their humans."

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