Make an inspirational and harrowing ascent of the world's tallest mountain with a team of four international climbers who find hope, beauty and triumph in the wake of tragedy. Discover how Mount Everest was formed, how high altitude challenges a climber's physical and mental capabilities, and how Sherpa culture and tradition permeate the Mount Everest experience. Narrated by Liam Neeson. 

Educator Resources 

To book a field trip to see this film at the Fleet Science Center, email Client Services or call (619) 238-1233 x 806. 

Assistive listening devices enhance narration and dialogue and lower sound effects. Ask at the ticket counter.
Escucha el audio en español mientras ves la función en inglés. Solicita los audífonos de cortesía en la taquilla.
When you purchase your ticket, tell the associate that you would like to use the complimentary closed-caption service.


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