It's Electric
It’s Electric brings the science and history of electricity to life through an introduction to the types and uses of electricity.
Visit interactive stations to
- Become a human battery
- Operate a telegraph using Morse code
- Handle a plasma tube
- Discover if you are attracted to magnets
- And more
Illuminate your mind further as you learn about the backgrounds of electricity innovators who have impacted our daily lives.
Tesla Coil
The star of It’s Electric. Whether you’ve never seen a Tesla coil in action or if you’ve seen it several times, you can’t miss this spectacle. Watch as this complex mechanism transmits electricity wirelessly, through the air, creating a breathtaking burst of electric current.
Check with staff the day of your visit for show times.
It's Electric highlights often-marginalized innovators and inventors who have advanced technologies. These innovations range from everyday objects like the pen and aerospace-engineering-inspired toys like the Super Soaker to historic innovations like the Mark 1 computer.

Inventor of the Color-Wheel Color TV

Inventor of One of the First Computers, Harvard Mark I

Inventor of Toys and Games for Girls

Inventor of the Carbon Filament Light Bulb

Inventor of Home Heating System Powered by Solar Energy

Inventor of Home Video Security
This exhibition is generously funded by The Kiwanis Club of San Diego and the San Diego Kiwanis Club Foundation.