Visit the STEM Ecosystem Website

The San Diego STEM Ecosystem brings together local stakeholders across education, science and business sectors to ensure all students have opportunities to develop the knowledge and skills they need to thrive. When we surround San Diego County residents with STEM-rich learning environments, our region, individuals and businesses can reach their full potential.

Join the San Diego STEM Ecosystem

Through a series of semi-annual Collab Labs and meetings, partners focused on reimagining STEM learning in San Diego meet to discuss the next steps for the local initiative. As part of this, working groups evaluating key issues have formed on the topics of 

  • Early childhood STEM 
  • Innovation in K–12 
  • Women in STEM 

Contact the San Diego STEM Ecosystem to join a working group.  

Join the San Diego STEM Ecosystem email list. 

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The San Diego STEM Ecosystem is part of a national initiative. This initiative focuses on ensuring students can move through an ecosystem of learning opportunities, including schools, libraries, science centers and STEM-based businesses, to grow their knowledge and skills.  Learn more. 


San Diego STEM Ecosystem is constantly growing as more partners join from a diverse range of fields, resulting in representation from schools and school districts, afterschool and out-of-school providers, as well as museums, science centers, and zoos. 

The partnership also includes higher education institutions, research institutions, certificate programs, businesses, professional organizations, trade associations, student associations, libraries, community-based organizations, family and parent organizations, youth organizing and advisory groups, advocacy groups, philanthropic organizations, government agencies, and curriculum developers. 


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