Book a Workshop

For additional information about educator workshops or to book a workshop at your school or district office, please contact the Fleet Inquiry Institute. 


Workshop Catalog

The following list provides an overview of our professional development program offerings. If you have any questions, please email us

Future Scientist Programs

Programs designed specifically for educators teaching grades K-2. 

Storybook Science

Integrate reading and science in an engaging way. Each workshop pairs a grade-appropriate fiction and/or non-fiction book with hands-on inquiry-driven science investigations that can be easily replicated in the classroom.

The Power of Inference in Science Inquiry

Science inquiry is the process of understanding the natural and material world through questions and discoveries. This workshop emphasizes the importance of inference in the science inquiry process. Participants practice making discoveries and claims based on evidence.

Observe Like a Scientist with Art and Illustrations

Increase student observation skills through a teaching strategy made popular in art galleries. Apply this teaching strategy across all disciplines, including in the science classroom.

Like A Scientist Programs

For K-8 educators seeking to enhance their skills and confidence as a science educator. 

Act Like a Scientist and Engineer

Through exploration of Fleet exhibitions, discover NGSS science and engineering practices (SEPs) and then compare how science practices are different or are similar to engineering practices. Participants discover ways to shift science activities to engineering activities.

Think Like a Scientist

View the world through the lens of science using Crosscutting Concepts. Discover how to identify science around us, both inside and outside of the science classroom. Thinking like a scientist permits an interdisciplinary approach to science education and highlights the science in every school subject.

Question? Like a Scientist

Not all questions are created equally. Some questions lead to insightful investigations while others are better suited for research. In this workshop, educators identify investigable questions through an inquiry investigation and learn ways to turn student questions to be more investigable.

Notebook Like a Scientist

Improve students' scientific observation skills while creating a classroom environment that welcomes feedback, critique, and evidence-based reasoning. This workshop includes an arts component and is an opportunity to incorporate more STEAM in the classroom. 

Argue! Like a Scientist

Discover strategies to enhance student arguments using claims from evidence, real data and opposing scientific views. Educators find new ways to align lessons to NGSS through science and engineering practices.

Science Inquiry Programs

For K-12 educators looking to create a student-driven learning environment that is aligned with NGSS. 

Three-Day Inquiry Institute

Participants experience inquiry as a learner, examine different approaches to hands-on learning, explore science practices through phenomena, engage in full scientific inquiry, and consider ways to include inquiry in your own classroom. This three-day workshop can be offered sequentially, over several weeks, or as stand-alone programs.

Comparing Hands-On Science Approaches

Educators discover different approaches to hands-on science to support different learning goals. Educators experience three different approaches and how each can be successfully deployed in the classroom.

Raising Investigable Questions

Experience the science process through phenomena and personal curiosity and then raise questions that can lead to insightful investigations. Learn pedagogy related to scanning and facilitating the turning of non-investigable questions into deeper scientific questions.

Subtle Shifts: Adapting Activities for Inquiry

Participants work through two similar science labs and identify ways to modify existing science activities to include more inquiry. It is highly recommended that participants go through Comparing Hands-On Science Approaches and Raising Investigable Questions first.

Make, Take & Teach Programs

For K-12 educators seeking enhanced content knowledge and tools to take back to their classroom. Make, Take & Teach workshops utilize the Fleet Science Center's Studio X workspace.

Launch the Perfect Rocket 

Discover how easy and fun it is to take a science inquiry approach to rocket design. Groups work together to build rockets and collect data after each launch. The class collaborates on data analysis before designing, building and launching the ultimate rocket.

Make and Take Component: Educators build and take one PVC rocket launcher and receive plans on how to duplicate the launcher for a minimal cost.

Engineering with Hydraulics

Through inquiry, educators will discover properties of air and liquid before building a robotic arm with pneumatic and hydraulic systems. 

Make and Take Component: Educators build a robotic arm that operates with hydraulics. 

Gravitational Wells

Conceptualize gravity using a model that can be manipulated with objects of various masses and discover interactions between masses.

Make and Take Component: Educators make their own gravitational well and learn safe ways to assemble and disassemble the model.

Wave Machines

Explore wave properties through science inquiry using a hands-on wave machine. The wave machine model encourages students to observe and define wave property terminology through their own exploration while also providing ample opportunities for students to investigate "what if?" scenarios.

Make and Take Component: Educators have the option to build a wave machine suitable for small or large groups. 

Around the Park Programs

These workshops make use of Balboa Park and are occasionally in partnership with other Balboa Park museums and institutions. 

Schoolyard Citizen Science

Students and citizen science are a perfect fit, but where should a teacher begin with a citizen science project at their school? This workshop will highlight ongoing citizen science projects and how the citizen science process can be ported to a classroom or schoolyard.

Science in the Park

Balboa Park becomes our canvas as we discover ways to bring the outdoors into the classroom. 


Ask about Storybook Science workshops currently available at no cost* for teachers and schools. 


*Limited availability. 


The Fleet loves educators! Learn more about our Teacher Partner Program.  


Educators, please sign up to get Fleet Science Center news and updates delivered to your inbox.   


This PD has already helped me incorporate STEM activities more frequently into my teaching. Thank you. It was truly one of the best PDs I’ve ever attended. I loved the make and take activities.

This was the best workshop I have attended in the last few years-so helpful and a quick jam packed hour. I loved connecting the stories to real life experiments.

Got me re-excited about my science.

Thank you so much, this is truly the best PD I have taken.

I truly enjoyed looking at stories through the eyes of creating STEM activities. I have taken the projects to my class and the kids are so excited to get a chance to create them.

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